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Agent Name Aflatoxins
CAS Number 1402-68-2
Formula Unspecified
Major Category Biological Agents
Synonyms Aflatoxin B1; Aflatoxin B2; Afltoxin G1; Aflatoxin G2; [Schottenfeld, p.769]
Category Biological Toxins
Sources/Uses Used in molecular biology research; [HSDB] "Occupational exposure can occur through the handling and processing of aflatoxin-contaminated crops. Low-level respiratory exposure to aflatoxin-contaminated dust particles was reported in workers processing imported maize and in workers extracting oil from linseeds and groundnuts. Dust levels of aflatoxin collected at different animal feed production sites ranged from none detectable to 8 ug/kg dust. In a study of 45 male workers at 2 Danish livestock feed processing companies, respiratory exposure to aflatoxins was reported; the mean level of positive samples was expressed as 64 ng/d/kg body weight. Monitoring data indicate that the general population is predominately exposed to aflatoxins via the ingestion of food and may be exposed through dermal contact with this compound and other products containing aflatoxins (SRC). Exposure can occur due to the presence of aflatoxin and aflatoxin metabolites in milk and milk products from animals that have consumed contaminated feed." [IARC]
Comments The LDLo in humans after an oral dose is 0.229 mg/kg with effects including bleeding from the small intestine and jaundice. [ChemIDplus] A mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus species, aflatoxin may contaminate corn and peanuts stored in a warm, damp environment. The four main aflatoxins are B1,B2, G1, and G2. Animal experiments have shown aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) to be a strong hepatic carcinogen. [Schottenfeld, p. 769]
Exposure Assessment
Vapor Pressure 1.25 x 10 -10 mm Hg
Adverse Effects
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
IARC Carcinogen Known Carcinogen
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: AFLATOXINS  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
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Last updated: January, 2009