Program Investments

Pew invests in programmatic work to solve today’s most challenging problems. Whether protecting ocean life, fixing the foster care system or promoting access to preschool, we partner with a diverse range of public and private organizations who share our commitment to new ways of thinking and new forms of action for improving society.

We perform our work through three methods—operating projects, which are managed by Pew staff; donor partnerships, which allow us to work closely with individuals or foundations and achieve shared purposes; and targeted grantmaking.

Pew’s work encompasses improving policy, informing the public and stimulating civic life. In the Program Priorities pages in this section of our Web site, we describe our approaches and objectives.

Before submitting a letter of inquiry about partnering with us, you should first review the Program Priorities area that most directly matches your proposed project. Please be aware that our investments are highly focused, making support very unlikely for activities that do not closely match our program goals.

We hope these pages of our Web site serve as an informative tool. If you have questions or would like to submit a letter of inquiry, we encourage you to consult the Pew staff in the relevant program area for guidance. Further information can be found on the Application Procedure and Frequently Asked Questions pages. 

Program Investments and Grant Database

Search our database to find information on our program investments, including funded projects and grants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please carefully review these Frequently Asked Questions before sending a letter of intent.

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Pew Prospectus

The Pew Charitable Trusts' annual publication, titled Pew Prospectus, describes the organization and its activities each year.

Program Priorities

Before applying for funding, please read this section carefully.

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Application Procedure

Further information can be found on the Application Procedure page.

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