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Student Presentations

The following participants in NIGMS' minority programs made presentations about their research at recent scientific meetings:

  • Barry University: MBRS program participant Poincyanne Assis received an award in the physiological sciences category for her presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in San Diego, CA, in October. For more on Assis' award, see http://www.barry.edu/mbrsRise/gallery/outstandingSophomore.htm.
  • California State University, Dominguez Hills: MARC undergraduate students Diana Becerra, Susana Rodriguez, and Freddi Zuniga presented their research at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) annual meeting in Albuquerque, NM, in October. Becerra and Rodriguez also presented their research at the ABRCMS meeting, as well as at other scientific conferences. Becerra received a gold ribbon for her presentation at the Sigma Xi Student Research Conference in Los Angeles, CA, in November; and Rodriguez won first place for her poster presentation at the 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX, in March.
  • Grambling State University: Twenty scientists from institutions across the nation participated in a research symposium hosted by the MARC and Bridge program at Grambling State in February. At the symposium, scientists presented research papers and provided students with information about graduate school opportunities, summer research internships, and scholarships. The meeting attracted nearly 400 students and 25 faculty members.
  • Jackson State University: Bridges to the Doctorate program participants Tabitha Hardy and Jeremy Lott presented their research at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences in Biloxi in February. Hardy received 3rd place in the graduate student division for her presentation. Lott and fellow Bridges participant Tammi Taylor presented at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology's (FASEB) Experimental Biology 2004 meeting in Washington, DC, in April.
  • Montana State University-Bozeman: MBRS program participants Lisa Sun Rhodes, Woodrow Star, and Scott Zander won awards for their presentations at the SACNAS annual meeting. A full story on the award winners is available on the university's Web page at http://www.montana.edu/commserv/csnews/nwview.php?article=1306.
  • Wake Forest University School of Medicine: Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program participants LaRhonda Jackson and Karl Pendergrass presented their research at the FASEB annual meeting. Both received travel awards from the American Physiological Society to attend the meeting. David Soto Pantoja presented his research at the 95th annual American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Orlando, FL, in March, and Sheila Adams presented at the Society for Gynecologic Investigation annual meeting in Houston, TX, in March.