Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Research Funding
Major Initiatives & Areas of Special Interest
Funding Opportunities
Research Grant Mechanisms
Grant Application & Review & Funding Policies
Bioethics & Privacy
Contacts by Research Area
Training & Careers
Minority Programs
News & Events
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Information about NIGMS research funding opportunities can be found under the following headings.

Major Initiatives & Areas of Special Interest 

Structural genomics, pharmacogenetics, bioinformatics and computational biology, complex biological systems, collaborative research (including “glue grants”), stem cell initiatives, modeling infectious diseases, chemical methodologies and library development, and other large-scale efforts.

Funding Opportunities

Program announcements, requests for applications, and notices from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, including the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs, research supplements, and minority opportunities in research.

Research Grant Mechanisms

Summaries of major mechanisms that NIGMS uses to fund research grants.

Grant Application & Review & Funding Policies

Application receipt dates, forms, appeals process, grant writing tips, study section information, guidelines for funding decisions, interim funding policy, support for new investigators, and other information.

Bioethics & Privacy

Links to documents about research on human specimens, genetic studies in named populations, certificates of confidentiality, and other information.

Contacts by Research Area

Names, phone numbers, and e-mails of NIGMS staff, arranged by research area.

Related Links

Grants Page, NIH Office of Extramural Research

NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

NIH Roadmap for Medical Research

NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research

Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP)

NIGMS Support for New Investigators

NIGMS R21 Participation Statement

Funding Priorities and Initiatives of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences

PHS 398 Grant Application Form and Instructions

PHS 2590 Non-Competing Grant Progress Report



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Last reviewed: October 3, 2005

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