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Fatality Information
        Fatalities YTD
 Total: 2    (as of today)
 Coal: 0    (12/11/2008)
 M/NM: 2    (01/17/2009)
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In Focus
 Belt Air Final Rule
AMS Training

On December 31, 2008, a final rule was published regarding Belt Air which requires training of Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) operators and to make monitoring the AMS a primary responsibility.

  • See Rule
  • See Training Material
  • See Press Release

  • Highlights
     On December 31, 2008, MSHA issued the final rules on 1) Refuge Alternatives for Underground Coal Mines and 2) Flame-Resistant Conveyor Belt, Fire Prevention and Detection, and Use of Air from the Belt Entry. On January 16, 2009, MSHA issued Program Policy Letter No. P09-V-1 Guidance for Compliance with Post-Accident Two-Way Communications and Electronic Tracking Requirements of the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act (MINER Act).

    A workshop and Stakeholder meetings have been scheduled.

    See more...
     Agency Performance Sheets
     MSHA Seeking to Hire Mine Inspectors
    Use the link above to see career screening opportunities around the country

     Use of Error Factors in Determining a Miner's Overexposure to DPM
     Citation/Violation Statistics - Includes information on contested citations
     Standard Error Factors for 160 µg/m3 Total Carbon Exposure Limit
     Testing Communication and Locating Devices for Underground Mines
     Mine Inspector Career Trainee Program
     MSHA and BLM sign Memorandum of Understanding

    MSHA Actions to Enhance Mine Safety
     January 2009 Update

    To include:
    • Belt Air, Improved Belt Material, and Fire Protection Rule: On December 31, 2008, the Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration's (MSHA) final rule that implements the recommendations of the Technical Study Panel (Panel) on the Utilization of Belt Air and the Composition and Fire Retardant Properties of Belt Material in Underground Coal Mining...

    • Refuge Alternatives Rule: On December 31, 2008, MSHA published a final rule on refuge alternatives in underground coal mines to enhance miner safety and implement Section 13 of the MINER Act.
    See Entire Document...

    More Resources - The U.S. government's official web portal - El portal oficial en español del Gobierno de los EE. UU.
     No Fear Act - Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act
     GovBenefits - Learn Which Government Benefits You May Be Eligible to Receive - Comment on Federal Government Regulations
    FIND IT! in DOL

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    Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
    1100 Wilson Boulevard, 21st Floor
    Arlington, VA 22209-3939
    Phone:    (202) 693-9400
    Fax-on-demand: (202) 693-9401
    Technical (web) questions: Webmaster
    On-line Filing Help:
    or call (877) 778-6055

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