Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Protein Structure Initiative


Meeting Reports

Keystone Symposia on Structural Genomics and Structural Biology: Plans for PSI2
April 4, 2004

Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop
March 29-31, 2004

National Academy of Sciences Study on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomics and Protein-Related Research
February 2004

Concept Clearance for an Initiative to Promote Comparative Modeling Research: Discussion Summary at January 2004 Meeting of the National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council
January 2004

PSI Annual Meeting Report
December 2003 

Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Workshop on Target Selection
November 13-14, 2003 

NIGMS Workshop on High-Accuracy Comparative Modeling
October 20-21, 2003 

Concept Clearance for the PSI-2 Production Phase: Discussion Summary at September 2003 Meeting of the National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council
September 2003

NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative Workshop on Data Management
July 10-11, 2003 

Protein Structure Initiative: National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council Discussion Summary
May 2003

Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop
April 9-11, 2003

  • Meeting review, Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, March - June 2004 issue 

Report to NIH Council on the Overall Progress of the Protein Structure Initiative
March 27-28, 2003 

Report to National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council
Joint Meeting of the NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative
Principal Investigators and Advisory Committee

November 14-15, 2002

Report on the NIGMS Protein Production Workshop
March 7-8, 2002

Second Annual Meeting of Protein Structure Initiative Participants
October 22-23, 2001

Second International Structural Genomics Meeting
April 4-6, 2001

First International Structural Genomics Meeting
April 4-6, 2000

Structural Genomics Targets Workshop
February 11-12, 1999

Structural Genomics Project Planning Meeting
November 24, 1998

Protein Structure Initiative Meeting
April 24, 1998



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Last reviewed: April 26, 2005

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