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BMC Nephrology


Melissa Norton, MD

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Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

In-house Editor
Erik Alexandersson

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BMC Nephrology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of kidney and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. BMC Nephrology (ISSN 1471-2369) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE and Google Scholar.

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Judith Stoffer
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:9
In an ethnically diverse cohort, serum levels of cystatin C are correlated with inflammatory and procoagulant markers at all stages of kidney dysfunction, while creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rates show a similar association with chronic kidney disease.

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Study protocol
Intradialytic versus home based exercise training in hemodialysis patients: a randomised controlled trial
Kirsten P Koh, Robert G Fassett, James E Sharman, Jeff S Coombes, Andrew D Williams
BMC Nephrology 2009, 10:2 (29January2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Study protocol
Preventing AVF thrombosis: The rationale and design of the Omega-3 fatty acids (Fish Oils) and Aspirin in Vascular access OUtcomes in REnal Disease (FAVOURED) study
Ashley Irish, Gursharan Dogra, Trevor Mori, Elaine Beller, Stephane Heritier, Carmel Hawley, Peter Kerr, Amanda Robertson, Johan Rosman, Peta-Anne Paul-Brent, Melissa Starfield, Kevan Polkinghorne, Alan Cass
BMC Nephrology 2009, 10:1 (21January2009)
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Research article
The association between renal function and structural parameters: a pig study
Anders B Ldrup, Kristian Karstoft, Thomas H Dissing, Jens R Nyengaard, Michael Pedersen
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:18 (23December2008)
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Study protocol
Astaxanthin vs placebo on arterial stiffness, oxidative stress and inflammation in renal transplant patients (Xanthin): a randomised controlled trial
Robert G Fassett, Helen Healy, Ritza Driver, Iain K Robertson, Dominic P Geraghty, James E Sharman, Jeff S Coombes
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:17 (18December2008)
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Research article
Optimal and continuous anaemia control in a cohort of dialysis patients in Switzerland
Claudine M Mathieu, Daniel Teta, Nathalie Ltscher, Dela Golshayan, Luca Gabutti, Denes Kiss, Pierre-Yves Martin, Michel Burnier
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:16 (11December2008)
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Research article
Arterial line pressure control enhanced extracorporeal blood flow prescription in hemodialysis patients
Franklin G Mora-Bravo, Alfonso Mariscal, Juan P HerreraFelix, Salvador Magaa, Guadalupe De-La-Cruz, Nelly Flores, Laura Rosales, Martha Franco, Hctor Prez-Grovas
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:15 (24November2008)
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Research article
Quality of life, mental health and health beliefs in haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients: Investigating differences in early and later years of current treatment
M Ginieri-Coccossis, P Theofilou, C Synodinou, V Tomaras, C Soldatos
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:14 (14November2008)
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Research article
NPHS2 variation in focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
Stephen J Tonna, Alexander Needham, Krishna Polu, Andrea Uscinski, Gerald B Appel, Ronald J Falk, Avi Katz, Salah Al-Waheeb, Bernard S Kaplan, George Jerums, Judy Savige, Jennifer Harmon, Kang Zhang, Gary C Curhan, Martin R Pollak
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:13 (29September2008)
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Familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis (FHHNC): Compound heterozygous mutation in the claudin 16 (CLDN16) gene
Geeta Hampson, Martin A Konrad, John Scoble
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:12 (24September2008)
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Serum free light chain measurement aids the diagnosis of myeloma in patients with severe renal failure
Colin A Hutchison, Tim Plant, Mark Drayson, Paul Cockwell, Melpomeni Kountouri, Kolitha Basnayake, Stephen Harding, Arthur R Bradwell, Graham Mead
BMC Nephrology 2008, 9:11 (22September2008)
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High prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Iran: a large population-based study
Farhad Hosseinpanah, Farshad Kasraei, Amir A Nassiri, Fereidoun Azizi
BMC Public Health 2009, 9:44 (31January2009)
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Study protocol
Ahmedabad tolerance induction protocol and chronic renal allograft dysfunction: pathologic observations and clinical implications
Rashmi D Patel, Aruna V Vanikar, Feroz A Aziz, Pankaj R Shah, Hargovind L Trivedi
Diagnostic Pathology 2009, 4:4 (30January2009)
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Case report
Refractory cardiopulmonary failure after glyphosate surfactant intoxication
Chirn-Bin Chang, Chia-Chu Chang
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2009, 4:2 (30January2009)
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Case report
Successful renal re-transplantation in the presence of pre-existing anti-DQ5 antibodies when there was zero mismatch at class I human leukocyte antigen A, B, & C: a case report
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Journal of Medical Case Reports 2009, 3:41 (30January2009)
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Case report
Ventricular noncompaction in a female patient with nephropathic cystinosis: a case report
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Journal of Medical Case Reports 2009, 3:31 (29January2009)
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Case Report
Infarction of middle third posterior cortex of kidney: a complication of extended pyelolithotomy, intra-operative electrohydraulic lithotripsy and extraction of calyceal stones under vision using stone basket and flexible cystoscope in a spinal cord injury patient - a case report
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Metastatic renal cell cancer treatments: An indirect comparison meta-analysis
Edward J Mills, Beth Rachlis, Chris O'Regan, Lehana Thabane, Dan Perri
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Alteration of renal respiratory complex-III during experimental type-1 diabetes
Shankar Munusamy, Hamida Saba, Tanecia Mitchell, Judit K Megyesi, Robert W Brock, Lee Ann MacMillan-Crow
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The first description of severe anemia associated with acute kidney injury and adult minimal change disease: a case report
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