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BMC Gastroenterology


Melissa Norton, MD

Medical Editor
Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

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J. Ann Le Good

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BMC Gastroenterology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. BMC Gastroenterology (ISSN 1471-230X) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Current Contents, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar.

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Human liver. Taken from Wikipedia (author: Suseno)
BMC Gastroenterology 2008, 8:53
Plasma pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is elevated in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis making it an ideal biomarker to diagnose, grade and differentiate this condition from other liver disease, as well as quantify the severity of associated fibrosis.

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Research article
Fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and gastric mucosa: is there a relation with gastric ulceration?
Vasileios A Pagkalos, Joanna Moschandreas, Michael Kiriakakis, Maria Roussomoustakaki, Anthony Kafatos, Elias Kouroumalis
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:9 (23January2009)
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Research article
Four novel mutations in the lactase gene (LCT) underlying congenital lactase deficiency (CLD)
Suvi Torniainen, Roberta Freddara, Taina Routi, Carolien Gijsbers, Carlo Catassi, Pia Hoglund, Erkki Savilahti, Irma Jarvela
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:8 (22January2009)
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Susceptibility to intestinal infection and diarrhoea in Zambian adults in relation to HIV status and CD4 count
Paul Kelly, Jim Todd, Sandie Sianongo, James Mwansa, Henry Sinsungwe, Max Katubulushi, Michael J Farthing, Roger A Feldman
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:7 (22January2009)
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Tryptophan degradation in irritable bowel syndrome: evidence of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activation in a male cohort
Gerard Clarke, Peter Fitzgerald, John F Cryan, Eugene M Cassidy, Eamonn M Quigley, Timothy G Dinan
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:6 (20January2009)
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A study of best positive predictors for sustained virologic response to interferon alpha plus ribavirin therapy in naive chronic hepatitis C patients
Muhammad Idrees, Sheikh Riazuddin
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:5 (20January2009)
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An association between colonic adenoma and abdominal obesity : A cross sectional study.
YoungJoo Kim, YunJin Kim, Sangyeoup Lee
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:4 (15January2009)
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Paraoxonase-1 is related to inflammation, fibrosis and PPAR delta in experimental liver disease
Judit Marsillach, Jordi Camps, Natlia Ferr, Raul Beltran, Anna Rull, Bharti Mackness, Michael Mackness, Jorge Joven
BMC Gastroenterology 2009, 9:3 (14January2009)
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Selenoprotein S (SEPS1) gene -105G>A promoter polymorphism influences the susceptibility to gastric cancer in the Japanese population
Tomoyuki Shibata, Tomiyasu Arisawa, Tomomitsu Tahara, Masaaki Ohkubo, Daisuke Yoshioka, Naoko Maruyama, Hiroshi Fujita, Yoshio Kamiya, Masakatsu Nakamura, Mitsuo Nagasaka, Masami Iwata, Kazuya Takahama, Makoto Watanabe, Ichiro Hirata
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Outcomes in culture positive and culture negative ascitic fluid infection in patients with viral cirrhosis: cohort study
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Percutaneous retrieval of a biliary stent after migration and ileal perforation
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Development of a multi-locus sequence typing scheme for Laribacter hongkongensis, a novel bacterium associated with freshwater fish-borne gastroenteritis and traveler's diarrhea
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A Rare Cause of Recurrent Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Mesenteric Hemangioma
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