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Agent Name Yttrium-90
CAS Number 10098-91-6
Formula Y
Major Category Physical Agents
Category Radionuclides
Description The metal is a gray lustrous powder with a melting point of 1522 degrees C. [Merck Index]
Sources/Uses The naturally-occurring, stable isotope is Y-89. It is found in the minerals xenotime, fergusonite, samarskite, yttrialite, and gadolinite. The man-made radioactive isotopes are Y-80-88 and Y-90-100. [Merck Index] Yttrium-90 silicate citrate has been used in intra-articular radiotherapy to irradiate diseased synovial tissues giving a dose of about 60-80 Gy to synovium of the knee joint. [Gusev, p. 112] Used in the treatment of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis; [Waltar, p. 281]
Comments Source: Decay of strontium-90, a product of nuclear fission;
Half-Life: 64 hours
Effective Half-Life: 64 hours
Specific Activity: 550,000 Ci/g
Decay Mode: Beta
Lung Clearance Half-Time: Years, oxides and hydroxides; Weeks, all other compounds;
Critical Organ: Bone
Internal Toxicity: High
Annual Limit on Intake: 0.4 mCi
Radiation Energy (MeV): Beta 2.273 (100%)
[See Glossary for references.] See "Yttrium, elemental." ] See "Radiation, ionizing."
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: YTTRIUM, RADIOACTIVE  IONIZING RADIATION  
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Last updated: January, 2009