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Agent Name Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether
CAS Number 104-68-7
Formula C10-H14-O3
Major Category Solvents
Synonyms 2-(2-Phenoxyethoxy)ethanol; Diethylene glycol monophenyl ether; Diethylene glycolphenyl ether; Fenylkarbitol [Czech]; Phenoxydiglycol; Phenyl carbitol; [ChemIDplus] Monophenyldiglykol; [MSDSonline]
Category Glycol Ethers
Description Colorless liquid; [MSDSonline]
Comments A skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritant; Harmful if swallowed; [MSDSonline] See "Glycol Ethers."
Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes Flash point = 167 degrees C; Boiling range = 293-300 degrees C;
Flammability (NFPA) 1: must be preheated
Adverse Effects
Neurotoxin CNS Solvent Syndrome
Nephrotoxin Yes
Reproductive Toxin Yes
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Last updated: January, 2009