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Agent Name Butene, all isomers
CAS Number 106-98-9; 107-01-7; 590-18-1; 624-64-6; 25167-67-3; 115-11-7
Formula C4-H8
Major Category Solvents
Synonyms Butene; Butylene; n-Butene; n-Butylene(CAS:25167-67-3); trans-2-Butene; 2-Butene, (E)-; 2-trans-Butene; Low-boiling butene-2; beta-trans-Butylene; trans-1,2-Dimethylethylene; trans-Butene(CAS:624-64-6); cis-2-Butene; 2-Butene, (Z)-; High-boiling butene-2; beta-cis-Butylene; cis-1,2-Dimethylethylene; cis-Butene(CAS:590-18-1); 2-Butene; Butene-2; Butylene-2; Dimethylethylene; Pseudobutylene; beta-Butylene; Butene, mixed -1- and -2- isomers(CAS:107-01-7); 1-Butylene; But-1-ene; Ethylethylene; alpha-Butene; alpha-Butylene(CAS:106-98-9); Isobutylene; 1,1-Dimethylethene; 1,1-Dimethylethylene; 1-Propene, 2-methyl-; 2-Methyl-1-propene; 2-Methylpropene; 2-Methylpropylene; Isobutene; Isopropylidenemethylene; Propene, 2-methyl-; gamma-Butylene; sym-Dimethylethylene(CAS:115-11-7); [ChemIDplus] UN1012; UN1075
Category Aliphatics, Unsaturated
Description A colorless liquefied gas; [Hawley]
Sources/Uses Butenes are present in gasoline, vehicle exhaust, and urban air (<10 ppb); 2-Butene is used to make other chemicals. Isobutene is used to make MTBE, aviation fuel, butyl rubber, and other polymers. [ACGIH] 1-Butene is used as a co-monomer for high density polyethylene in blow-molding resins and as a monomer for polybutene in plastic pipe and film; [HSDB]
Comments Single TLV for all isomers because they are often used as mixtures; Butene causes anesthesia in animal experiments. Respiratory arrest occurs in the range of 210,000 to 320,000 ppm. [ACGIH] In a confined space spill, may displace air and act as simple asphyxiant; Evaporating liquid can cause frostbite; [CHEMINFO]; May cause central nervous system effects including unconsciousness; [ICSC]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 250 ppm
Explanatory Notes Carcinogenicity category is A4 for isobutene, CAS# 115-11-7. [ACGIH]
Flammability (NFPA) 4: burns readily
Adverse Effects
Neurotoxin CNS Solvent Syndrome
Other Poison Simple Asphyxiant
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Last updated: January, 2009