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BMC Developmental Biology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
J. Ann Le Good

BMC  BMC Developmental Biology, Volume 9



Research article
Analyses of zebrafish and Xenopus oocyte maturation reveal conserved and diverged features of translational regulation of maternal cyclin B1 mRNA
Yan Zhang, Michael D. Sheets
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:7 (28January2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Notch signalling in the paraxial mesoderm is most sensitive to reduced Pofut1 levels during early mouse development
Karin Schuster-Gossler, Belinda Harris, Kenneth R Johnson, Jurgen Serth, Achim Gossler
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:6 (22January2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]

Research article
Gene expression profiles during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Fiona C Mansergh, Carl S Daly, Anna L Hurley, Michael A Wride, Susan M Hunter, Martin J Evans
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:5 (9January2009)
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Research article
Mosaic analysis of stem cell function and wound healing in the mouse corneal epithelium
Richard L Mort, Thaya Ramaesh, Dirk A Kleinjan, Steven D Morley, John D West
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:4 (7January2009)
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Research article
Regeneration of the radial nerve cord in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima
Jose E. San Miguel-Ruiz, Angel R. Maldonado-Soto, Jose E. Garcia-Arraras
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:3 (6January2009)
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Research article
Rac1 regulates pancreatic islet morphogenesis
Thomas U Greiner, Gokul Kesavan, Anders Sthlberg, Henrik Semb
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:2 (6January2009)
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Research article
Quantification of Fibronectin 1 (FN1) splice variants, including two novel ones, and analysis of integrins as candidate FN1 receptors in bovine preimplantation embryos
Karen Goossens, Ann Van Soom, Alex Van Zeveren, Herman Favoreel, Luc J Peelman
BMC Developmental Biology 2009, 9:1 (6January2009)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles]



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