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Agent Name Xenon
CAS Number 7440-63-3
Formula Xe
Major Category Other Classes
Synonyms Xenon, compressed [UN2036] [Nonflammable gas]; Xenon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquids) [UN2591]; [Nonflammable gas]; [ChemIDplus]
Category Elements, Nonmetallic
Description Odorless, nonflammable gas; [CAMEO]
Sources/Uses " It is found in the earth's atmosphere and has been used as an anesthetic." [ChemIDplus] Used in xenon lamps and IMAX projection systems; [Wikipedia]
Comments Contact with liquid may cause frostbite; A simple asphyxiant; [CAMEO] Xenon has anesthetic properties in high concentrations (1 atmosphere). This phenomenon is called "inert gas narcosis" in mixed-gas, deep-sea divers. [Wald, p. 171]
Adverse Effects
Neurotoxin Other CNS Neurotoxin
Other Poison Simple Asphyxiant
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Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
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Last updated: January, 2009