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CaGrid Incubator

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Welcome to the caGrid Incubator

The caGrid Incubator is a Subversion repository for community projects that extend or enhance caGrid functionality. The owners of individual projects participate in the caGrid Incubator process in order to facilitate community development and adoption of their projects. In particular, project owners are interested in enhancing the existing feature set and hardening the code for production use.

Examples of community projects intended for incubation include Introduce extensions, new core services that extend caGrid functionality, and more.

The benefits of joining the caGrid Incubator

The caGrid Incubator provides participating projects with a variety of benefits, including the following:

  1. A more formal relationship to regularly provide caGrid technical information to your project.
  2. Assistance identifying new users within the larger caGrid community with the goal of increasing the use of your project software.
  3. Official status as a caGrid Incubator Certified project at a designated maturity level (see the governance document for more information).
  4. Regular information about new caGrid features as they are developed.
  5. Incorporation of your project use cases and priorities into the caGrid development priorities and timeline.

Incubator Guidelines

Guidelines for the Incubation process have been created by the caGrid Knowledge Center. These guidelines are intended to specify the requirements for project owners and the Knowledge Center.

Incubator Governance document

Beginning the Incubation Process

If you own a project that extends caGrid and are interested in learning more about the incubation process, please download the Incubator Guidelines and follow the instructions provided there.

You can use the following document as a template for your project proposal: Incubator Proposal Template

Accessing the Incubator

To access the incubator, please visit caGrid Incubation. If you do not have a Gforge account, apply for one. If you do, then apply for access to the Incubation project.

Incubator Projects

View current projects in the Incubator Subversion repository.

Read the Project Summaries.

Build Status

Check the build status
