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Agent Name Polonium
CAS Number 7440-08-6
Formula Po
Major Category Physical Agents
Category Radionuclides
Description All isotopes are radioactive; Resembles tellurium and bismuth chemically; Melting point = 254 degrees C. [Merck Index # 7561]
Sources/Uses Occurs naturally as decay product of uranium-238 (0.1 mg of Po-210 per ton of uranium ore); Used in static eliminators to remove static electricity from machinery and dust from photographic film and camera lenses; Used with beryllium as a neutron source; [Argonne] Tobacco smoke contains Polonium-210 and lead-210. Smoking 1.5 packs of cigarettes per day delivers about 16,000 mrems/year to the lungs. [ATSDR Case Studies: Ionizing Radiation]
Comments Most Important Radionuclide: Polonium-210
Source: Bombard bismuth-209 with neutrons in nuclear reactor; then beta decay of Bi-210;
Half-Life: 138 days
Effective Half-Life: 46 days
Specific Activity: 4500 Ci/gm
Decay Mode: Alpha
GI Absorption: 10-50%
Lung Clearance Half-Time: Weeks for oxides, hydroxides, and nitrates; Days for all other compounds;
Critical Organ: Spleen
Internal Toxicity: Very High
Annual Limit on Intake: 0.0006 mCi
Radiation Energy (MeV): Alpha 5.305 (100%) + daughters;
Reported Major Radiation Accidents: One homicide from acute radiation poisoning and several possible exposures after the Millennium Hotel Pine Bar in London, UK was contaminated on October 31, November 1, or November 2, 2006. [] Two people had significant exposures in 1961;
[See Glossary for references.] See "Radiation, ionizing."
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: POLONIUM, RADIOACTIVE  IONIZING RADIATION  
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Last updated: January, 2009