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Agent Name Erbium
CAS Number 7440-52-0
Formula Er
Major Category Metals
Category Rare Earth Metals
Description Soft metal soluble in acids; [Merck Index] Pure metal is soft, malleable, and silvery bright; All 6 natural isotopes are stable; [Reference #1]
Sources/Uses Source: rare earth minerals; Used in nuclear control rods, alloys, and lasers; [Hawley] Recent improvements in ion-exchange techniques have reduced the cost of isolating this element, and it is finding uses in nuclear technology and metallurgy. Erbium alloys have advantages in workability. Erbium colorants are used to produce pink glass and ceramic glazes; [Reference #1]
Comments Fine metal is flammable; [Hawley] See "RARE EARTH METALS."
Reference Link
Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes mp = 1522 deg C; [Merck Index]
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Last updated: January, 2009