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Agent Name Nitroglycerin
CAS Number 55-63-0
Formula C3-H5-N3-O9
Major Category Other Uses
Synonyms Glyceryl trinitrate; NG; 1,2,3-Propanetriol trinitrate; Trinitroglycerin; [NIOSH]
Category Explosives
Description Colorless to pale-yellow, viscous liquid or solid (below 56 degrees F). [Note: An explosive ingredient in dynamite (20-40%) with ethylene glycol dinitrate (80-60%).]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used in the production of dynamite and other explosives, rocket fuel and pharmaceuticals; [HSDB]
Comments Allergic contact dermatitis reported in workers manufacturing explosives and pharmaceuticals; [Kanerva, p. 1163] Listed by ACGIH in a table of agents that may cause methemoglobinemia in the nonoccupational setting;
Restricted An OSHA Class A explosive (1910.109).
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Yes
TLV (ACGIH) 0.05 ppm
PEL (OSHA)Ceiling(OSHA) =0.2 ppm
IDLH (NIOSH) 8 ppm
Excerpts from Documentation for IDLHs Human data: Headaches have developed in workers exposed to 0.4 to 0.67 mg/m3 for 25 minutes; all had decreases in blood pressure [Trainor and Jones 1966]. Ethylene glycol dinitrate and nitroglycerine are vasodilators and initial exposures result in headache, dizziness, nausea, or decreases in blood pressure; however, workers become tolerant of the vasodilatory activity after 2 to 4 days of exposure [NIOSH 1978]. It has been estimated that the lethal oral dose in humans is 200 mg although others have survived doses of 1,200 mg with no apparent ill effects [Rabinowitch 1944]. [Note: An oral dose of 200 mg is equivalent to a worker being exposed to about 150 mg/m3 for 30 minutes, assuming a breathing rate of 50 liters per minute and 100% absorption.]
Vapor Pressure 0.0003 mm Hg
Explanatory Notes The Guide from to the Emergency Response Guidebook is for "Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with not more than 5% Nitroglycerin."
Flammability (NFPA) 3: may ignite at ambient temperature
Adverse Effects
Methemoglobinemia Methemoglobinemia, Secondary
Skin Sensitizer Yes
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Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: NITROGLYCERIN  
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Last updated: January, 2009