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Agent Name Chlorodifluoromethane
Alternative Name Refrigerant 22
CAS Number 75-45-6
Formula C-H-Cl-F2
Major Category Solvents
Synonyms Algeon 22; Algofrene 22; Algofrene type 6; Arcton 22; Arcton 4; CFC 22; Chlorofluorocarbon 22; Daiflon 22; Difluorochloromethane; Difluoromonochloromethane; Dymel 22; Electro-CF 22; Eskimon 22; F 22; F 22 (halocarbon); FC 22; FKW 22; Flugene 22; Fluorocarbon-22; Forane 22; Forane 22 B; Freon 22; Frigen; Frigen 22; Genetron 22; HCFC 22; HFA-22; Haltron 22; Hydrochlorofluorocarbon 22; Isceon 22; Isotron 22; Khladon 22; Methane, chlorodifluoro-; Monochlorodifluoromethane; Propellant 22; R 22 (refrigerant); R-22; Racon 22; Refrigerant R 22; Ucon 22; [ChemIDplus] UN1018
Category Chlorofluorocarbons
Description Colorless gas with a faint, sweetish odor. [Note: Shipped as a liquefied compressed gas.]; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Used as a propellant, a refrigerant, a solvent, and in tetrafluoroethylene polymers; [ACGIH]
Comments When inhaled by guinea pigs, narcosis occurs at 200,000 ppm and death at 300,000 ppm. [ACGIH] Possible frostbite from contact with liquid; [NIOSH] Chlorodifluoromethane is in the list of "Some volatile substances which may be abused by inhalation" published on the web site of the U.N. International Drug Control Programme, indicating its potential to cause narcosis in workers. [Reference #1] Evaporating liquid can cause frostbite; Inhalation of high concentrations can cause CNS depression and cardiac arrhythmias; [ICSC]
Reference Link Volatile Substance Abuse
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 1000 ppm
MAK 500 ppm
Lethal Concentration LC50 (rats) = 350,000 ppm/15m
Adverse Effects
Neurotoxin CNS Solvent Syndrome
Other Poison Simple Asphyxiant
IARC Carcinogen Not Classifiable
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: CHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE  
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Last updated: January, 2009