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Agent Name Cerium
CAS Number 7440-45-1
Formula Ce
Major Category Metals
Synonyms Cerium, turnings or gritty powder [UN3078] [Dangerous when
wet]; [ChemIDplus]
Category Rare Earth Metals
Description Gray solid; [CAMEO] Ceric salts: yellow or red-orange; Cerous salts: usually white; [Reference #1] Ductile and higly reactive; Readily oxidizes; [Hawley]
Sources/Uses Used in metal alloys, in polishing agents, and in glass; [Ullmann] Sources: most abundant of the "rare earth" metals, it is obtained mainly from monazite, and bastnasite mineral deposits. Large deposits are found in India, Brazil, and the United States. Uses: to manufacture flints for cigarette lighters (misch metal); to make incandescent gas mantles, self-cleaning ovens, carbon arc lighting, and glass; as an analytical reagent (Cerium sulfate); to polish glass (Cerium oxide); and as a catalyst in petroleum refining; [Reference #1]
Comments Reacts violently with water and produces flammable gas on contact with moist air; May produce corrosive solutions; [CAMEO] Oxidizes readily in air at room temperature; Pure metal may ignite if scratched with a knife; [Reference #1] See "RARE EARTH METALS."
Reference Link
Exposure Assessment
Explanatory Notes ERG is for Cerium, turnings or gritty powder [UN3078] mp = 798 deg C; [Merck Index]
Adverse Effects
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
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Last updated: January, 2009