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Agent Name Calcium permanganate
CAS Number 10118-76-0
Formula Mn2-O8.Ca
Major Category Other Classes
Synonyms Acerdol; Calcium permanganate (Ca(MnO4)2); Permanganate de calcium [French]; Permanganato calcico [Spanish]; UN1456; [ChemIDplus]
Category Inorganic Oxidizing Agents
Description Violet to purple crystals (tends to adsorb water from air and become liquid); [HSDB]
Sources/Uses Used as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and deodorizer; Used in welding electrode coatings/fluxes and in liquid rocket propellants; [HSDB]
Comments Very toxic by ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption; Can cause skin burns; [CAMEO] See "Manganese";
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Bioaccumulates Yes
Explanatory Notes For occupational exposure limits, see "Manganese";
Adverse Effects
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Neurotoxin Parkinson's Syndrome
Reproductive Toxin Yes
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Last updated: January, 2009