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Agent Name Technetium
CAS Number 7440-26-8
Formula Tc
Major Category Physical Agents
Category Radionuclides
Description Silver-gray metal; [Argonne]
Sources/Uses Technetium is the first man-made element, produced in 1937 by deuteron bombardment of molybdenum. All isotopes are radioactive. Six atoms of technetium are created for every 100 fissions of uranium. Technetium is a waste product in spent nuclear fuel. Of the ten major isotopes, Tc-99 is the one of most concern as an environmental contaminant. The half-life of Tc-99 is 210,000 years. Used in steel as a corrosion inhibitor, but this use is limited by the radioactivity of technetium; Tc-99m is used in nuclear medicine; [Argonne]
Comments Most Important Radionuclide: Tc-99m
Source: Decay of molybdenum-99
Half-Life: 6 hours
Decay Mode: Isomeric Transition (gamma) Decay
GI Absorption: 50-80% of technetium pertechnetate (TcO4)
Lung Clearance Half-Time: Weeks for oxides, hydroxides, halides, and nitrates; Days for all other compounds;
Critical Organ: Total body
Internal Toxicity: Low
Annual Limit on Intake: 80 mCi
Gamma Ray Constant: 0.6 R/h @ 1 cm per mCi
Tenth-Value Layer: 0.9 mm Pb
Radiation Energy (MeV): Gamma 0.141 (88%)
[See Glossary for references.] See "Radiation, ionizing."
Reference Link Technetium-99 | Radiation Protection Program | US EPA
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Last updated: January, 2009