Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Meetings & Reports

NIGMS-sponsored meetings for the past 2 years, along with links to related Web sites and reports, are listed below. For earlier meetings and reports, see the archived meetings list.

Information about the DeWitt Stetten, Jr. Lectures can be found here.

Meeting Dates Meeting Topics / Links to Web Sites & Reports

November 2-5, 2005

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Web Site
NIGMS sponsored workshop "Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. Training Opportunities: Highlighting NIH-Funded Biomedical Research Training Programs

July 13-15, 2005

Evolution of Infectious Diseases Symposium
Web Site

June 2-3, 2005 Structural Analysis of Large Macromolecular Assemblies: Sizing Up the Challenges
Web Site
Flyer (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader
May 17-18, 2005

Consortium for Functional Glycomics Participating Investigator Meeting
Flyer (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader

May 13, 2005

Chemical Modifications of Nucleic Acids Workshop

April 21-22, 2005

Third Symposium on the Functional Genomics of Critical Illness and Injury: Identifying Research Priorities
Web Site

April 17-19, 2005

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Recent Progress and Future Directions of NIGMS Grantees
Workshop Summary

January 11-12, 2005

2005 NIGMS Systems Biology/Complexity Centers Meeting
Web Site

November 10-13, 2004    

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Web Site

July 8-11, 2004

Bridges Program Meeting
Web Site

May 18, 2004

Report From the NIGMS Commitee Examining Possible Update of the MBRS SCORE Program

May 3-4, 2004


May 4, 2004

Report From the Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) Steering Committee

Nanomedicine Roadmap Initiative: Project Launch Meeting
Web Site

March 29-31, 2004 2004 PSI Protein Production and Crystallization Workshop
March 15-16, 2004 Chemistry and Biology: Partners in Decoding the Genome
Web Site
March 8, 2004

Pharmacogenetics Research Network and Knowledge Base Fourth Scientific Meeting
Web Site
Report (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader

December 2, 2003 Joint Meeting of the PSI Advisory Committee and the PSI Research Center Principal Investigators 
November 17-18, 2003 Symposium on the Functional Genomics of Critical Illness and Injury
Web Site
November 13-14, 2003 PSI Workshop on Target Selection
November 6-7, 2003 Digital Biology: The Emerging Paradigm
Web Site
October 15-18, 2003 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Web Site
October 20-21, 2003 NIGMS Workshop on High-Accuracy Comparative Modeling
Web Site
July 10-11, 2003 PSI Data Management Workshop
Web Site
July 10, 2003 Tools for Discovery: Imaging Molecular Events in Living Cells
Web Site

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Last reviewed: September 19, 2005

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