Trans-NIH Mouse Initiative
* NIH Plan for Mouse Genomics and Genetic Resources


Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group

Recently, NHGRI convened a group of leading mouse researchers to serve as a line of communication between the sequencing centers and the funding agencies, and the mouse research community.

Goals of the Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group.
The goals of this group are to ensure that the mouse community is aware of the progress being made, knows how to access the data, knows the timetable for the project and can offer the sequencers and the funding agencies helpful advice on making the data as useful as possible to researchers. Maintaining good communication with the mouse community is a high priority for the mouse genome sequencing effort and the Liaison Group and the newsletter are intended to help to do so. At its first meeting, the Liaison Group recommended that this newsletter be produced and widely distributed. The Liaison Group welcomes your additional suggestions.

The Liaison Group meets every month or so by conference call, along with the Principal Investigators of the groups participating in the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium (MGSC: Eric Lander, Whitehead Institute Center for Genome Research; Bob Waterston and John McPherson, Washington University Genome Sequencing Center; Jane Rogers, Sanger Centre; and Ewan Birney, Ensembl; for more information about the consortium, see below), and staff from the funding agencies.

Membership of the Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group:

Wayne Frankel, Chair (The Jackson Laboratory)
Rudi Balling (Institut für Biotechnologische Forschung - GBF)
Steve Brown (MRC Mouse Genome Centre)
Maja Bucan (University of Pennsylvania)
Sally Camper (University of Michigan)
David Kingsley (Stanford University)
Janet Rossant (Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto)
Eddy Rubin (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
Joseph Takahashi (Northwestern University)

Data Access. Below is a list of web sites containing information related to the MGSC, sequence data and the laboratory mouse.

Output of the Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium:

Mouse genome resources at the NCBI:

Mouse genomic sequence reads aligned against the human draft sequence in a usable browser: and

Raw data underlying all of the sequence generated in the mouse genome sequencing effort and other components of the Human Genome Project:

To submit requests for sequencing of individual, or small numbers of, BACs of high biological interest:

Information about NIH programs for analysis of model organisms:

MRC UK Mouse Sequencing Programme:

Integrated access to data on the genetics, genomics and biology of the laboratory mouse:

Questions or Comments. Is there anything that you would like to see in future issues of the Mouse Genome Monthly? Send comments to the Mouse Sequencing Liaison Group at:

