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James H. Doroshow, M.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Beumer JH, Parise RA, Newman EM, Doroshow JH, Synold TW, Lenz HJ, Egorin MJ.
Concentrations of the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine (FdCyd) and its cytotoxic metabolites in plasma of patients treated with FdCyd and tetrahydrouridine (THU).
Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 62: 363-8, 2008.
2)  Murgo AJ, Kummar S, Rubinstein L, Gutierrez M, Collins J, Kinders R, Parchment RE, Ji J, Steinberg SM, Yang SX, Hollingshead M, Chen A, Helman L, Wiltrout R, Tomaszewski JE, Doroshow JH.
Designing phase 0 cancer clinical trials.
Clin. Cancer Res. 14: 3675-82, 2008.
3)  Somlo G, Chu P, Frankel P, Ye W, Groshen S, Doroshow JH, Danenberg K, Danenberg P.
Molecular profiling including epidermal growth factor receptor and p21 expression in high-risk breast cancer patients as indicators of outcome.
Ann. Oncol. Epub ahead of print, 2008.
4)  Doroshow JH, Parchment RE.
Oncologic phase 0 trials incorporating clinical pharmacodynamics: from concept to patient.
Clin. Cancer Res. 14: 3658-63, 2008.
5)  Kummar S, Rubinstein L, Kinders R, Parchment RE, Gutierrez ME, Murgo AJ, Ji J, Mroczkowski B, Pickeral OK, Simpson M, Hollingshead M, Yang SX, Helman L, Wiltrout R, Collins J, Tomaszewski JE, Doroshow JH.
Phase 0 clinical trials: conceptions and misconceptions.
Cancer J. 14: 133-7, 2008.
6)  Ramanathan RK, Egorin MJ, Takimoto CH, Remick SC, Doroshow JH, LoRusso PA, Mulkerin DL, Grem JL, Hamilton A, Murgo AJ, Potter DM, Belani CP, Hayes MJ, Peng B, Ivy SP.
Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of imatinib mesylate in patients with advanced malignancies and varying degrees of liver dysfunction: a study by the National Cancer Institute Organ Dysfunction Working Group.
J. Clin. Oncol. 26: 563-9, 2008.
7)  Kinders R, Parchment RE, Ji J, Kummar S, Murgo AJ, Gutierrez M, Collins J, Rubinstein L, Pickeral O, Steinberg SM, Yang S, Hollingshead M, Chen A, Helman L, Wiltrout R, Simpson M, Tomaszewski JE, Doroshow JH.
Phase 0 clinical trials in cancer drug development: from FDA guidance to clinical practice.
Mol. Interv. 7: 325-34, 2007.
8)  Gajewski E, Gaur S, Akman SA, Matsumoto L, van Balgooy JN, Doroshow JH.
Oxidative DNA base damage in MCF-10A breast epithelial cells at clinically achievable concentrations of doxorubicin.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 73: 1947-56, 2007.
9)  Kummar S, Kinders R, Rubinstein L, Parchment RE, Murgo AJ, Collins J, Pickeral O, Low J, Steinberg SM, Gutierrez M, Yang S, Helman L, Wiltrout R, Tomaszewski JE, Doroshow JH.
Compressing drug development timelines in oncology using phase '0' trials.
Nat. Rev. Cancer. 7: 131-9, 2007.
10)  Synold TW, Takimoto CH, Doroshow JH, Gandara D, Mani S, Remick SC, Mulkerin DL, Hamilton A, Sharma S, Ramanathan RK, Lenz HJ, Graham M, Longmate J, Kaufman BM, Ivy P.
Dose-escalating and pharmacologic study of oxaliplatin in adult cancer patients with impaired hepatic function: a National Cancer Institute Organ Dysfunction Working Group study.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 3660-6, 2007.
11)  Kummar S, Gutierrez M, Gardner ER, Donovan E, Hwang K, Chung EJ, Lee M, Maynard K, Kalnitskiy M, Chen A, Melillo G, Ryan QC, Conley B, Figg WD, Trepel JB, Zwiebel J, Doroshow JH, Murgo AJ.
Phase I Trial of MS-275, a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, Administered Weekly in Refractory Solid Tumors and Lymphoid Malignancies.
Clin Cancer Res. 13: 5411-5417, 2007.
12)  Morgan RJ, Synold TW, Gandara D, Muggia F, Scudder S, Reed E, Margolin K, Raschko J, Leong L, Shibata S, Tetef M, Vasilev S, McGonigle K, Longmate J, Yen Y, Chow W, Somlo G, Carroll M, Doroshow JH.
Phase II trial of carboplatin and infusional cyclosporine with alpha-interferon in recurrent ovarian cancer: a California Cancer Consortium Trial.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 17: 373-8, 2007.
13)  Morgan RJ, Synold TW, Xi B, Lim D, Shibata S, Margolin K, Schwarz RE, Leong L, Somlo G, Twardowski P, Yen Y, Chow W, Tetef M, Lin P, Paz B, Koczywas M, Wagman L, Chu D, Frankel P, Stalter S, Doroshow JH.
Phase I trial of intraperitoneal gemcitabine in the treatment of advanced malignancies primarily confined to the peritoneal cavity.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 1232-7, 2007.
14)  Takimoto CH, Graham MA, Lockwood G, Ng CM, Goetz A, Greenslade D, Remick SC, Sharma S, Mani S, Ramanathan RK, Synold TW, Doroshow JH, Hamilton A, Mulkerin DL, Ivy P, Egorin MJ, Grem JL.
Oxaliplatin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in adult cancer patients with impaired renal function.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 4832-9, 2007.
15)  Tomaszewski J, Doroshow J.
Preclinical Development of Molecularly Targeted Agents in Oncology. In: Cancer Drug Discovery and Development: Molecular Targeting in Oncology. Volume .
Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2007. p. 703-718 [Book Chapter]
16)  Mukhopadhyay I, Sausville EA, Doroshow JH, Roy KK.
Molecular mechanism of adaphostin-mediated G1 arrest in prostate cancer (PC-3) cells: signaling events mediated by hepatocyte growth factor receptor, c-Met, and p38 MAPK pathways.
J. Biol. Chem. 281: 37330-44, 2006.
17)  Tan AR, Moore DF, Hidalgo M, Doroshow JH, Poplin EA, Goodin S, Mauro D, Rubin EH.
Pharmacokinetics of cetuximab after administration of escalating single dosing and weekly fixed dosing in patients with solid tumors.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 6517-22, 2006.
18)  Doroshow J.
Anthracyclines and Anthracenediones. In: Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy: Principles and Practice. Volume .
Philadelphia: Williams and Wilkins; 2006. p. 414-450 [Book Chapter]
19)  Lara PN, Stadler WM, Longmate J, Quinn DI, Wexler J, Van Loan M, Twardowski P, Gumerlock PH, Vogelzang NJ, Vokes EE, Lenz HJ, Doroshow JH, Gandara DR.
A randomized phase II trial of the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BMS-275291 in hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients with bone metastases.
Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 1556-63, 2006.
20)  Doroshow JH.
Redox modulation of chemotherapy-induced tumor cell killing and normal tissue toxicity.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 98: 223-5, 2006.
21)  Kummar S, Gutierrez M, Doroshow JH, Murgo AJ.
Drug development in oncology: classical cytotoxics and molecularly targeted agents.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 62: 15-26, 2006.
22)  Acharya MR, Sparreboom A, Sausville EA, Conley BA, Doroshow JH, Venitz J, Figg WD.
Interspecies differences in plasma protein binding of MS-275, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor.
Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 57: 275-81, 2006.
23)  Margolin K, Longmate J, Baratta T, Synold T, Christensen S, Weber J, Gajewski T, Quirt I, Doroshow JH.
CCI-779 in metastatic melanoma: a phase II trial of the California Cancer Consortium.
Cancer. 104: 1045-8, 2005.
24)  Doroshow JH, McCoy S, Macdonald JS, Issell BF, Patel T, Cobb PW, Yost KJ, Abbruzzese JL.
Phase II trial of PN401, 5-FU, and leucovorin in unresectable or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach: A Southwest Oncology Group study.
Invest New Drugs. 24: 537-42, 2006.
25)  Lara PN, Koczywas M, Quinn DI, Lenz HJ, Davies AM, Lau DH, Gumerlock PH, Longmate J, Doroshow JH, Schenkein D, Kashala O, Gandara DR.
Bortezomib plus docetaxel in advanced non-small cell lung cancer and other solid tumors: a phase I California Cancer Consortium trial.
J Thorac Oncol. 1: 126-34, 2006.
26)  Hesketh PJ, Chansky K, Lau DH, Doroshow JH, Moinpour CM, Chapman RA, Goodwin JW, Gross HM, Crowley JJ, Gandara DR.
Sequential vinorelbine and docetaxel in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients age 70 and older and/or with a performance status of 2: a phase II trial of the Southwest Oncology Group (S0027).
J Thorac Oncol. 1: 537-44, 2006.
27)  Doroshow JH.
Targeting EGFR in non-small-cell lung cancer.
N. Engl. J. Med. 353: 200-2, 2005.
28)  Lara PN, Mack PC, Synold T, Frankel P, Longmate J, Gumerlock PH, Doroshow JH, Gandara DR.
The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor UCN-01 plus cisplatin in advanced solid tumors: a California cancer consortium phase I pharmacokinetic and molecular correlative trial.
Clin. Cancer Res. 11: 4444-50, 2005.
29)  Lim D, Morgan RJ, Akman S, Margolin K, Carr BI, Leong L, Odujinrin O, Doroshow JH.
Phase I trial of menadiol diphosphate (vitamin K3) in advanced malignancy.
Invest New Drugs. 23: 235-9, 2005.
30)  Lara PN, Law LY, Wright JJ, Frankel P, Twardowski P, Lenz HJ, Lau DH, Kawaguchi T, Gumerlock PH, Doroshow JH, Gandara DR.
Intermittent dosing of the farnesyl transferase inhibitor tipifarnib (R115777) in advanced malignant solid tumors: a phase I California Cancer Consortium Trial.
Anticancer Drugs. 16: 317-21, 2005.
31)  Margolin KA, Doroshow JH, Frankel P, Chow W, Leong LA, Lim D, McNamara M, Morgan RJ, Shibata S, Somlo G, Twardowski P, Yen Y, Kogut N, Schriber J, Alvarnas J, Stalter S.
Paclitaxel-based high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue for relapsed germ cell cancer.
Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant. 11: 903-11, 2005.
32)  Dulak A, Strong E, Doroshow JH, Juhasz A, Roy KK.
Flavin Dehydrogenase Inhibitor-Dependent Alterations in Colon Cancer Growth, Reactive Oxygen Set Point, Cell Cycle Progression, and Signal Transduction Through the Wnt and Met Pathways (American Association for Cancer Research).
Volume 46. p. 536. [Meeting Proceeding]

This page was last updated on 8/7/2008.