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Florida High Speed Rail Mandate

     In November of 2000, Florida voters approved an amendment to the State Constitution directing the State Legislature, Governor and Cabinet to proceed with the development of a high-speed ground transportation system.  The following June 1, Governor Jeb Bush signed into law the Florida High Speed Rail Authority Act.  This measure created a nine-member High-Speed Rail Authority charged with planning and managing the construction of the intrastate project.

      As planned, the Florida High-Speed Rail Project would link the five largest urban areas of the State through the use of rail equipment capable of operating at speeds of 120 miles per hour or faster.  The first segment will be developed and operated between St. Petersburg, Tampa and Orlando with future service to Miami.

      In November 2004, Florida voters overturned the amendement to the Constitution mandating that a high-speed rail system be developed in the state.  Despite this setback, work and planning will continue on meeting the mass transit needs of the citizens.