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Lymphatic System -- Glossary of Synonymous Terms

  Anorectal = Pararectal
  Anorectal = Hemorrhoidal
  Anterior to thyroid isthmus = Delphian (thyroid)
  Apical axillary = Level III axillary
  Brachiocephalic = Innominate
  Bronchial = Tracheobronchial
  Bronchopulmonary = Hilar
  Buccal = Buccinator
  Buccinator = Buccal
  Cloquet = Rosenmuller
  Cloquet = Uppermost deep inguinal
  Common bile duct = Pericholedochal
  Deep inguinal (uppermost) = Cloquet
  Deep inguinal (uppermost) = Rosenmuller
  Deep axillary = Level III axillary
  Deep inguinal = Subinguinal
  Delphian (thyroid) = Anterior to thyroid isthmus
  Ewald = Sentinel
  Femoral = Superficial inguinal
  Gastroepiploic = Gastro-omental
  Gastro-omental = Gastroepiploic
  Gerota = Sacral promontory
  Hemorrhoidal = Anorectal
  Hepatic = Portal
  Hilar (lung) = Bronchopulmonary
  Hilar = Pulmonary root
  Hypogastric = Internal iliac
  Hypogastric = Obturator
  Inferior gastric = Right gastric
  Infraclavicular = Subclavicular
  Infrapyloric = Subpyloric
  Infundibulopelvic = Utero-ovarian
  Innominate = Brachiocephalic
  Internal mammary = Parasternal
  Internal iliac = Hypogastric
  Interpectoral = Rotter
  Jugulodigastric = Subdigastric
  Lateral aortic = Retroperitoneal
  Laterotracheal = Anterior deep cervical
  Laterotracheal = Recurrent laryngeal nerve chain
  Left gastric = Superior gastric
  Level I axillary = Superficial Axillary
  Level I axillary = Low axillary
  Level III axillary = Apical axillary
  Level III axillary = Deep axillary
  Lienal = Splenic
  Low axillary = Level 1 axillary
  Mastoid = Postauricular
  Obturator = Hypogastric
  Pancreaticolienal = Pancreaticosplenic
  Pancreaticosplenic = Pancreaticolienal
  Pararectal = Anorectal
  Parasternal = Internal mammary
  Pericholedochal = Common bile duct
  Portal = Hepatic
  Postauricular = Matoid
  Posterior cervical = Spinal accessory
  Pulmonary root = Hilar
  Recurrent laryngeal nerve chain = Laterotracheal
  Retroperitoneal = Lateral aortic
  Rosenmuller = Cloquet
  Rosenmuller = Deep inguinal (uppermost)
  Rotter = Interpectoral
  Sacral promontory = Gerota
  Scalene = Cervical along scalenus muscle
  Sentinel = Supraclavicular node enlarged due to abdominal tumor
  Spinal accessory = Posterior cervical
  Splenic = Lienal
  Sister Mary Joseph node = Hard mass or nodule which can be seen or felt at the umbilicus; a sign of intraabdominal malignancy most commonly from stomach or ovary
  Subclavicular = Infraclavicular
  Subdigastric = Infraclavicular
  Subinguinal = Deep inguinal
  Submandibular = Submaxillary
  Submaxillary = Submandibular
  Subpyloric = Infrapyloric
  Superficial inguinal = Femoral
  Superficial axillary = Level I axillary
  Superficial gastric = Left gastric
  Supraclavicular = Transverse cervical
  Trachiobronchial = Bronchial
  Transverse cervical = Supraclavicular
  Trosier = Sentinel node for stomach or lung cancer
  Upper deep cervical = Internal jugular
  Utero-ovarian = Infundibulopelvic
  Virchow = Sentinel node for stomach cancer

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