Congresswoman Watson Reacts to U.S. Attack on Iraq

March 20, 2003

Washington, D.C. – First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and their families. I personally know several service members, or their families, who are now in the Gulf and directly in harm’s way. My congressional staff and I will do everything in our power to keep family members in the 33rd Congressional District informed of the status of their loved ones as the war unfolds. I pray for their swift and safe return.

This is a sad day in the history of our nation. As many of you know, over the past months I have repeatedly questioned the wisdom of President Bush’s decision to use military force in Iraq in a preemptive manner. I continue to believe that alternatives to war exist and could be successfully employed to contain Saddam Hussein. I am profoundly disappointed that the option of war has been chosen. It is the option of failure.

I still do not believe that Iraq poses an imminent threat to the U.S. I remain unconvinced that there is a link between the terrorists and Saddam, and I do not understand how ridding the world of Saddam, at this moment, will enable us to dismantle the terrorist network. I do believe that the cost of the war and its aftermath will adversely affect our nation’s ballooning budget deficit. And, finally, I remain very concerned about the political and diplomatic consequences of a unilateral, pre-emptive war in Iraq.

The war has begun, but that does not mean the debate has ended. I will continue to raise my voice against war, which I consider my patriotic duty, and hope that other voices will also be raised. Again, my prayers are with our troops. May our great nation be granted the wisdom to once again seek opportunities for peace in the very near future.

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