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Internship Information and Application

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's internship program offers college students and recent college graduates the a unique opportunity to learn about the functions of the House of Representatives, as well as the Congresswoman's work in representing the City of San Francisco (8th Congressional District, California) and her role as the Speaker of the House.

An internship with Congresswoman Pelosi presents a variety of opportunities to participate in the daily operations of a Congressional office, either in Washington D.C or in San Francisco. Preference will be given to residents of San Francisco.

General intern responsibilities include:

In the busy atmosphere of a Congressional office, it is important that interns conduct themselves in a mature, professional manner; are well-organized and able to take initiative, follow instructions, perform well under pressure; and work well as part of a team.

Skills required:

This internship is unpaid. Congresswoman Pelosi supports students requesting credit for their internship through their school or university. There is no application deadline and interns are accepted throughout the year. Preference will be given to residents of San Francisco. Please keep in mind, however, that summer is a popular time for internships, and there is a limit to the number of interns that may work in the office at any given time.

Get Acrobat ReaderIf you would like to receive information regarding our internship program please fill out this online form. You may also download an application here and mail or fax it to the office in which you would like to work. (San Francisco or Washington DC)

San Francisco Office
450 Golden Gate Ave.
14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102

Washington, DC Office
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Internship Information Request Form:


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District Office - 450 Golden Gate Ave. - 14th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94102 - (415) 556-4862
Washington, D.C. Office - 2371 Rayburn HOB - Washington, DC 20515 - (202) 225-4965