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About WHFPrograms & Events

WHF relies on volunteers to help support its programs and mission. Events offer an opportunity to socialize and to educate others about how heart disease affects women differently. Ultimately, the aim of every program is to allow people to come together to have fun while working to improve the survival and quality of life for women with heart disease.

Holding Events

Since 1992, the Women's Heart Foundation holds fashion shows, auctions, golf outings and heart walks. It partners with institutions to outreach during Women'sHeart Week Feb 1-7, provide screenings and attend health fairs. It offers educational programming for corporate Lunch & Learn activities. Volunteers are needed to conduct these activities and to recruit new committee members. Registered Nurse Volunteers are needed to oversee Women's Well Days programming in partnership with CURVES.

Volunteers assisting in raising funds and awareness are vital to the success of the organization. Some fund-raising ideas include holding a bowl-a-thon, community heart walk/run , dance for heart, car wash, craft fair, beverage or bake sale, and haircuts for heart. This is just a brief list. You can be creative!


Both medical and non-medical persons can contribute to WHF's mission by taking a leadership role. Arrange for a “lunch and learn” at worksites or at faith communities, disseminate WHF Healthy Heart bookmarks and brochures at your local library, incorporate WHF programs and materials into your club activities.

WHF is recruiting leaders to begin regional, state and local chapters of the Women's Heart Foundation. Interested parties may complete the online volunteer form.

Annual Awards Luncheon 1996, Princeton, NJ

picture of hotel dining area WHF's Annual Awards Ceremony with Silent Auction was managed entirley by volunteers. The event, oten held at the Princeton Hyatt Regency Hotel, raised more than $15,000 and typically attracted over 400 guests.





The Gender Care InitiativeTM

The Women's Heart Foundation conducts medical conferences with continuing education credits for health professionals to learn about care models that work best for women. The WHF partners with health institutions to market the conferences to nurses and physicians.


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©1999-2000; updates: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007 Women's Heart Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited. The information contained in this Women's Heart Foundation (WHF) Web site is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment, and WHF recommends consultation with your doctor or health care professional.