STWS Home Module Home  Liver: Case #3 Print

Physical Exam


70 year old woman with abdominal pain and history of hepatitis C has recently diagnosed R lobe liver lesion. Outside biopsy negative. On exam, there is moderate RUQ tenderness to palpation.

X-Rays & Scans


Abdominal ultrasound: 4.3cm mass R hepatic dome of liver, consider hemangioma vs. metastatic disease. No adenopathy seen. No invasion of hepatic vasculature. Thickening on cecum, exam otherwise normal.

12/27/XX Chest X-Ray negative.
Scopes 01/20/XX Diagnostic laparoscopy: Mass seen dome of liver, 4cm, no peritoneal disease or ascites.
Laboratory 01/17/XX AFP WNL.
Pathological Reports


Liver biopsy: negative for malignancy.

  01/20/XX FNA liver: hepatocellular carcinoma.
Treatment 01/25/XX

Radiofrequency ablation R lobe liver tumor.

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