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Kay Granger is the Congresswoman for the 12th District of Texas and is the highest ranking Republican woman in the House of Representatives.

Congresswoman Granger is the only Republican woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas. Long active in local, state and national government as well as civic affairs, Congresswoman Granger is recognized for her energetic and sensible leadership.

In November 2006, she was elected to the Republican House leadership for the 110th Congress, serving as vice chair of the Republican Conference. In that role, she acts as a spokesperson for the party.

Congresswoman Granger is a published author. Her book, “What’s Right About America,” praises American values and how we live out those values.

Congresswoman Granger stepped into a national leadership role in the war on terrorism based on her work with Iraqi women. She is co-chair of the Iraqi Women’s Caucus. In the course of three congressional delegation visits over two years to the Middle East, she worked with and mentored Iraqi women who now either hold elected positions or are leaders in their communities.

Granger sits on the Appropriations Committee and serves on the Defense, Homeland Security and Military Construction/Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittees. Granger co-chairs the Anti-Terrorism Caucus and serves as a deputy whip. Today, she is considered one of the House of Representatives’ leading defense experts.

Congresswoman Granger received Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s first Global War on Terrorism Coin for her unwavering support of anti-terrorist efforts, the 2006 National Association of Community Health Centers Community Health Defender Award and the National Association of Manufacturers Award for her pro-growth, pro-manufacturing, pro-worker voting record. She has been inducted into the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame and the Fort Worth Business Hall of Fame and is the recipient of the Fort Worth and Tarrant County Region of the National Conference of Community and Justice’s 2006 Brotherhood/Sisterhood Citation.

Before coming to Congress, Granger served as Mayor of Fort Worth for five years and a member of the City Council for two years. Granger owned and operated a successful insurance agency for over 20 years and is also a former teacher.

She is a member of the First United Methodist Church, and has three grown children and five grandchildren.
Rep. Granger's Recent Votes