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Press Release

MAY 12, 2006


Independent investigation needed to find the truth, says Davis

Washington - In light of recent reports detailing the Bush Administration's efforts to gather the telephone records of Americans, Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA) urged the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate all domestic spying programs.

"The American people may understand the need to gather intelligence in the war on terror, but I think it's reasonable for them to expect such efforts to comply with the Constitution and the many laws that exist to protect their privacy and civil rights in such instances," said Rep. Davis. "When revelations about warrantless wiretapping first surfaced, the President's reasoning transcended all boundaries of legal authority.  The continuing and expanding nature of these revelations is further evidence that an independent investigation is needed to find the truth.  The American people deserve no less."

On May 11, 2006, USA Today reported that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been creating a "massive database of American's phone calls" with the aid of AT&T, Verizon, and BellSouth.

Another report detailed that the NSA had denied security clearances to lawyers at the Justice Department chosen to investigate the President's domestic surveillance programs.

Outrage from Congress was swift.  Davis joined many of her congressional colleagues in demanding a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate the allegations.

In a letter to President Bush, House Democrats declared, "It is time the American public and the Congress had more than press reports to establish the facts about NSA's domestic eavesdropping programs.We urge you once again to direct the appointment of a Special Counsel fully empowered to investigate the NSA's domestic eavesdropping programs and report its findings to Congress."

Davis is also a cosponsor of a congressional resolution (H. Res. 643) of inquiry regarding the spying on American soil.  This resolution would require the Attorney General to submit to the House of Representatives all pertinent documents relating to warantless wiretapping.