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Press Release

February 2, 2006


Bill would ban gifts and travel from lobbyists

Washington, DC — Congresswoman Susan Davis became an original cosponsor of legislation to clean up the ethical lapses in Congress. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, the Democratic lobby reform bill, would ban gifts and travel from lobbyists.

"We need to tighten the rules surrounding the interaction between Congress and lobbyists," said Rep. Davis. "The vast majority of representatives, senators and lobbyists are working within the scope of the law. A corrupt few have tainted the public's view of Congress. It must be made clear that the American people have greater influence over members of Congress than lobbyists."

Besides banning gifts, including gifts of meals, tickets, and entertainment, the bill also bans travel paid for by lobbyists and non-government agencies that retain or employ lobbyists. Lobbyist would also be prohibited from funding, arranging or participating in travel. Further, members would be required to pay for travel on corporate jets.

The bill slows down the revolving door for members going from Congress to lobbying firms. Former members, executive branch officials and senior staff would be prohibited from lobbying former colleagues for two years after leaving their public sector jobs, and the bill revokes floor and gym privileges for former members.

Davis said she does not hang out in smoke-filled rooms in Washington and has never even been to lunch with a lobbyist. She invites constituents and lobbyists who want to discuss San Diego or committee-related projects to meet in her office.

Davis has also cosponsored lobby reform legislation introduced by Rep. Marty Meehan, who championed and wrote the landmark campaign finance reform laws passed in 2002.