News From…

Congressman Dennis Cardoza
18th Congressional District of California

Statement from Congressman Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) on

San Joaquin River Settlement


September 13, 2006
CONTACT:  John Bray
(202) 226-4637

“I applaud the Friant Water Users, the U. S. Bureau and Reclamation and the Natural Resources Defense Council for their efforts to resolve this decades-long dispute.  The protracted litigation on this issue has been costly for all parties involved. It has also created an atmosphere of uncertainty and has not been beneficial for the environment or interested parties.


“Although the settlement appears to resolve the issues between Friant and NRDC, it raises another set of issues regarding the potential impact on downstream landowners, flood control systems and water districts.  This agreement could impose significant costs -  in the millions  - for downstream landowners and water districts. It may also impact water district and flood district operations in the northern San Joaquin Valley. 


“Legislation to implement the settlement must address these issues.  I remain committed to supporting a settlement that resolves this long-standing dispute, but not at the expense of those not party to the litigation.”


“If the third party impacts are not addressed and funded, I plan to oppose the settlement.”



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