Conference Blog

Welcome To the New

After months of development, the House Republican Conference is excited to announce the launch of the new, the official website of House Republicans in the 111th Congress.

NEW FEATURES is built to enhance citizen engagement, while providing the best information at the right time. Take a look at some of the new features:

  • GOP Portfolio: a new online community that encourages the promotion of ideas through citizen engagement

  • Email Subscriptions: signup to get the latest news delivered to your inbox

  • Contact your Representative: a better way to locate and track your Member of Congress

  • Vote Information Service: search and download the latest votes in the House of Representatives

  • GOP Anywhere API: Get content on your website through our new API

  • Permalinks: allow you to find GOP documents and articles easier through friendly URL links


September 09, 2008
ICYMI: New House Republican Conference Web Video Recaps Historic August Energy Protest

Earlier today, House Republicans released a new video recapping our historic August energy protest.

The video has already been featured on: Red State, Hot Air, Townhall, the New York Daily News, and The Post notes that “the video got a big round of applause when it was shown this morning at the first post-recess House GOP Conference meeting.

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