Congressman John Boehner

Rep. John Boehner
House Republican Leader
John Boehner (Bay-ner), elected to represent the Eighth Congressional District of Ohio for a ninth term in November 2006, continues to be a key leader in the fight for a more limited and accountable federal government.

In 1990, he was elected to represent Ohio’s Eighth Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. His time in Congress has been highlighted by several government reform initiatives. His efforts include providing accountability and choice in education, ensuring workers’ pension benefits are there when they retire, and fighting to rein in worthless pork barrel spending. He has been a vocal advocate for tax relief and spending restraint, and is an active supporter of rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal budget.

John was instrumental in crafting the Contract with America, the bold 100-day agenda for the 104th Congress that nationalized the 1994 elections. One of the Contract's cornerstones - the Congressional Accountability Act, requiring Congress to live under the same rules and regulations as the rest of the nation - bears the unmistakable imprint of his drive to reform the House.

The success of John's reform-minded agenda earned him election to the House Republican leadership after the Republican election victories in 1994. More recently, in 109th Congress, Boehner led passage of new reforms clamping down on earmarks – special interest projects quietly inserted into spending bills.

On November 17, 2006, Boehner was elected by his colleagues to serve as House Republican Leader, and he continues to work to reinvigorate the spirit of reform that first brought him to Congress.

About the Leader's Office
As the chief Republican in the House of Representatives, the Leader is charged with advocating party priorities in the House, as well as coordinating party message and legislation with Republican Leadership in the Senate and the members of the House Republican Conference.

The leader also works with the Democratic Leaders to agree upon acceptable meeting times of the House of Representatives, as well as the passage of bipartisan legislation vital to the national interests of the United States.

Contact Information

Personal Office
1011 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
T (202) 225-6205
F (202) 225-0704
Republican Leader's Office
H-204 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
T (202) 225-4000
F (202) 225-5117