STWS Home Module Home  Head and Neck: Case #1 Print

Physical Exam


Right vocal cord covered with a fungating lesion. Lesion does not extend beyond true vocal cord. Neck: supple. No nodes palpable.

X-Rays & Scans 02/15/XX CXR: Lungs are clear. No acute disease.
Laboratory   None.
Scopes   See operative findings.
Operative Findings


Direct laryngoscopy and biopsy. Findings: Entire surface of right vocal cord covered with a fungating mass. Mass extended partially into ventricle and approximately 2 mm over the free margin onto inferior border of the vocal cord.
Pathological Reports 02/26/XX

Biopsy of larynx: Invasive moderately differentiated keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.

Treatment 03/05/XX Radiation: 6480 rads to glottis (6 MV) at staff physician's office.

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