National Cancer Institute   U.S. National Institutes of Health
caBIG® Knowledge Center: A part of the Enterprise Support Network

CaAERS v1.2.1


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caAERS v1.2.1 development focused on two (2) main components - integration with local clinical trial management systems (CTMS) and continued support of Adverse Event (AE) data capture, specifically as it pertains to AE observations solicted for specific reporting period types.

CTMS Integration

Services schemas for the below services can be found at the NCI Gforge repository.

  1. Investigator.xsd
  2. ResearchStaff.xsd
  3. StudySchema.xsd
  4. caAERSCommonTypes.xsd (Common Objects)
  5. color:#000000}ParticipantSchema.xsd{color}

Sample xml files can be found at the NCI Gforge repository.

  1. CreateInvestigatorTest.xml
  2. CreateResearchStaffTest.xml
  3. Study schema sample xml files can be found at the NCI Gforge repository.

Adopters can start developing routines to generate XML files for all 3 schemas.

WSDL and web service information will be available during the week of 7/14/08. This information is necessary to call our services which is the next step.

Data will be able to be imported via GUI without WSDL or service information.

KC Projects