Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I: Subject Terms (TGM I)
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New Postable and Non-Postable Terms added to TGM I
April 2003 through June 2003

Postable Terms (14 total)

Blinds (Shelters)
Crow's nests (Ships)
Foreign visitors
Interstellar communication
Model submarines
Pendants (Jewelry)
Pools (formerly a non-postable term)
Underground literature

Non-Postable Terms (9 total)

Almimbars USE Minbars
Clandestine literature USE Underground literature
Extraterrestrial communication USE Interstellar communication
Foreigners USE Foreign visitors
Illegal literature USE Underground literature
Interplanetary communication USE Interstellar communication
Mimbars USE Minbars
Visitors, Foreign USE Foreign visitor
Tree felling USE Woodcutting

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