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Talk:Main Page

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Table 1. Feature Highlights of geWorkbench and GenePattern

Gene Expression AnalysisYesYes
Sequence AnalysisYesYes
Proteomics AnalysisNoYes
Structure AnalysisYesNo
SNP/CNV AnalysisNoYes
Web InterfaceNoYes
Graphical User InterfaceYesYes
Integration with caArrayYesYes
Integration with caIntegratorNoYes
caGrid ServiceYesYes
Integration with Each OtherYesYes
Component/Modular DesignYesYes
Integration with Public Annotation ResourcesYesNo
Build WorkflowsYesYes
Access to MAGNET ToolsYesNo
Easy Access to Command Line ToolsYesYes
Integrate Third-party Tools without Additional CodingNoYes
Comprehensive Repository of ModulesYesYes

Table 2. Applications to specific user cases

Use CasesgeWorkbenchGenePattern
Load an affy dataset, do clusteringYesYes