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caBIG® Knowledge Center: A part of the Enterprise Support Network

CTMS KC Kickoff Meeting


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Thursday, 7/24/2008 from 8:30-5:00 EST Friday, 7/25/2008 from 8:30-1:00 EST


Duke University 2424 Erwin Road Hock Plaza I 7th Floor Conference Room Number 7063 Durham. NC 27705

When you arrive at Hock Plaza , you will need to sign in at the security desk and then take the elevator to the 7th floor. The conference room is located right across from the entrance door on the 7th floor lobby.


Millennium Hotel 2800 Campus Walk Avenue Durham, NC 27705-4479

T: 1 (919) 383 8575 F: 1 (919) 383 8495

Special room rate: $97 per night

Reservations: All attendees should make their reservation on line at (choose the Government Hotel Rate)

Transportation and Check-in: The hotel will run a shuttle on both Thursday and Friday. Please meet at the front lobby to catch the shuttle.

There is a shuttle service for the airport. The cost is $35 per person, one way. A cab ride will be anywhere between $35 and $40. So it might be cost effective to share a cab ride.


Thursday, July 24th

8:00 Breakfast available
8:30-8:45 Introductions (Bob Annechiarico, KC Directory)
8:45-9:15 KC and ESN Overview (Leslie Derr, Ph.D. - NCI/CBIIT
9:15-9:30 CTMS KC Organizational Overview and Administration (Bob Annechiarico, Duke)
9:30-10:00 Roles and Responsibilities (Team leads/Members)
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:45 High Level Goals and Tasks (Patrick McConnell, SemanticBits)
11:45-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 caBIG Knowledge Center Subversion Task Force Call (Tel: 800-355-7242, PSC: 8254672)
2:00-3:00 Planning Session (Bob/Patrick)
  • Technical Framework
  • Systems
  • Applications
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-4:00 Communications (Bob/Patrick)
  • Internal
  • Outreach
4:00-4:30 SME Outreach
4:30-5:00 Identify Workgroups (Bob/Patrick)
6:30 Dinner at Pops

Friday, July 25th

8:00 Breakfast available
8:30-8:45 Recap First Day (Patrick/Bob)
8:45-10:45 Workgroup Breakout
10:45-11:30 Workgroup Report-out
1:00 Meeting ends


Attendee Organization
Robert P Annechiarico Duke
Jeff Allred Duke
Mohammad Farid Duke
Chad McLamb Duke
Bill Banks Duke
Patrick McConnell SemanticBits
Joshua Phillips SemanticBits
Mehul Gulati SemanticBits
Karthik Iyer SemanticBits
Kimberly Johnson CALGB
Amish Shah CALGB
Dong Fu Northwestern
Leslie Derr NCI-CBIIT

Action Items

Who What When
Someone Investigate/Request FCKeditor rich text editor Aug 1
Kevin Groch Schedule CTMS KC status call Aug 15
Bob Contact CTMS WS lead to get an agenda spot Aug 15
Patrick Find out information about Bugzilla administration (drop-down lists, admin CTMS) Aug 1
Bob, Patrick, Joshua Bring cross-KC Items to the other KCs (e.g. common evaluation form (Google Forms), etc.) Aug 15
Leslie Schedule cross-KC meeting Aug 1
Patrick, Joshua Define KB template Aug 1
Joshua Explore MWSearch extension to improve searches Aug 15
Patrick, Joshua Define KB template Aug 1
    • Identify various integration points for each tool and discuss strategies.


KC Website

  • We should link to the pertinent Service Providers
  • KC is responsible for migrating content from Confluence and other sources
  • Adding rich text by a non-technical domain expert may be challenging
    • Investigate FCKeditor

High Level Goals and Tasks

Referring to the spreadsheet here.

Review of scoping document:

  • Row 2:
    • We'll discuss triage procedures in breakout session.
    • Should probably enable Google indexable to allow cross-KC searches.
    • Review search plugins.
      • Code highlighting
  • Row 3:
    • Working with project development teams to develop automated build, test, release procedures.
      • Sync up with CBIIT BDA team to look at common procedures.
    • Reach consensus on versioning scheme so that we can focus our support activities in an organized way.
  • Row 4:
    • Incorporation of community contributions.
      • How do we manage responsibility for maintaining contributed components?
      • Need to present this to the community.
  • Row 5:
    • Contributing minor bug fixes and enhancements.
      • Should we only handle fixes/enhancements for projects that are in maintenance mode (i.e. not currently funded).
        • Develop SOP in writing for handling bug fixes.
  • Row 6:
    • Maintaining running instances.
      • What is the timeline for getting these up and running?
      • What versions?
      • How soon after a release do we transition our hosted instances?
      • What about demo data sets?
        • How often are these refreshed?
        • Who manages the demo data sets and demo accounts?
        • Look at creating image of completely deployed systems and data.
    • Easing deployment:
      • Create recommendations: VM-based solution vs. common installer
  • Row 7:
    • Bug tracker monitoring, prioritization of bug fixes.
    • Feature tracker monitoring
      • Regarding performance evaluation
        • How do we generate reports about percent-addressed, response-time.
        • This is probably a cross-KC activity.
  • Row 8:
    • Monitoring of forums
      • Develop SOP for aggregating forum posts and developing knowledge-base content.
  • Row 9:
    • Synthesizing of defect reports...
      • Knowledge center should ensure that appropriate project development member teams are included in workspace discussions, but should not be responsible for articulating requirements to development team.
  • Row 10:
    • Enhancing documentation.
      • KC: migrates existing docs to wiki; initially creates links to content that can't be migrated immediately.
        • When comments about missing documentation items come in through the forum, the KC can take charge with of enhancing.
        • How do we decide what goes into knowledge-base articles vs. project docs?
          • KB articles are shorting, perhaps scenario focused.
      • Project development teams should use the KC wiki to develop new documentation.
  • Row 11:
    • "Train-the-trainer" documentation
      • We will set up data sets to support various scenarios, which trainers may use.
      • We'll need to document what data sets exist and what purpose they serve.
      • Need to document when these data sets are refreshed.
  • Row 12:
    • Web presence.
  • Row 13:
    • Developing knowledge base.
    • Perhaps we need to create new subject-orient forums, e.g. for CRAs, for those beginning a trial.
  • Row 14:
    • Maintaining caBIG website.
      • Need to get login to update caBIG website in short-term until caBIG website pulls from KC site.
      • SMEs should monitor that sites are synchronized.
  • Row 15:
    • "Needs Document"
      • Synthesized from workspace discussions
      • Organized to link to possible solutions
      • Brought to attention workspace leads.
    • Maybe also Gap Analysis document.
  • Row 16:
    • Community Outreach
      • Articles, conferences, etc.
      • Perhaps pre/post F2F we could have a CTMS KC open-house, to describe what the KCs do.
      • Creating a KC session at annual meeting to report KC metrics.
  • Row 17:
  • Row 18:
    • Reporting to workspaces
      • SMEs would deliver the report.
  • Row 19:
    • Evaluation Form
      • Should we send out evaluation forms as we close issues, and them compile per quarter?
      • Perhaps twice per year, send out evaluation form to workspaces.
      • Link from main page to evaluation form.
  • Row 20:
    • Administration
      • Need to work out internal communication plan.


  • Project status call
    • Attendees: team leads, SAIC, NCI, workspace leads
    • Frequency: monthly
    • Schedule: Kevin will schedule
  • Cross-KC call
    • Attendees: team leads, agenda-based
    • Frequency: monthly to start, then maybe quarterly
    • Schedule: monthly Fridays 2-3 EST
  • All-hands CTMS KC
    • Attendees: all KC team members
    • Frequency: weekly
    • Schedule: Fridays 2-3 EST (extends after 3:00 on cross-kc days)
  • Tech team scrums
    • Attendees: SB team members
    • Frequency: twice a week
    • Schedule: Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:00 EST
    • Attendees: team leads
    • Frequency: monthly
    • Schedule: 4th Tuesday 12:00-1:30 EST


  • Teleconferences
  • Newsletter
  • Conferences
  • Links to KC site
    • Cancer Center Programs Groups, NCCCP, Cooperative Groups, PHRMA, DIA, Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), American Nurses Association (ANA), AMIA

Open for Business

  • Tech stack must be administered
    • Forums setup
    • Forums monitored
    • Bugzilla setup
    • Bugzilla monitored
  • A pass at the wiki content
    • Fill out basic content
  • A pass at the forum content
    • First message added to each forum
    • Forum threads migrated from external places
  • Demo instance
    • No demo instance


  • C3PR, caAERS, PSC, LabViewer/CTODS, caXchange, C3D Connector
  • Hosting
    • Not C3D or C3D Connector

SME Interface

Places that the SME will interface

  • Web Forums
    • Answer domain oriented questions
  • First Contact Wiki
    • Based on your role, how does this impact you
    • What are the items that you should care about (tools, SOPs)
    • Cookbook/entry point to knowledgebase
  • Outreach
    • CTMS WS teleconferences
    • F2F meetings
    • Conferences - traveling
  • Internal prioritization
    • Issues, new features, bugs, documentation
  • Train the trainer material
    • Insight on datasets, scenarios
  • Newsletter
    • Content guidance
  • Wiki structure
    • Guidance
    • Also get feedback on customer evaluations (usability of site, structure, navigability)

Breakout Items

  • Triage process
    • Forums, KB, Issue Tracking
    • Escalation policy: internally, external other KCs, project teams
  • Come up with ideas for developing evaluation metrics.
    • Web hits, issues solved, issues resolved, time to resolve issues, number of bounces need to resolve issue.
    • Work with cross-KC team to develop common approach to soliciting feedback.
  • Automated build, test, release processes
    • Plans, technologies, boundaries
  • Discuss communities to target for outreach, e.g. Other agencies, CTSA, etc.
    • We should produce a e-newsletter to reach folks that are not already monitoring the KC lists.
    • Done
  • Tiers and nodes
  • Case Studies
    • Discussing the informatics perspective regarding integration of tools.
  • Bugzilla issues
    • Pre-populated fields/drop downs needed for 1. Versions 2. Components 3. Assigned to
    • Rights to administer bugzilla

Triage Process

Note: all times are normal business hours

  • Users can enter an issue in bugzilla or a question in a forum
    • They should have to enter more specific information for an issue than a simple question

Forum Triage

  • Once a question is entered in a forum, the forum moderator should respond within response time
    • Forum moderator uses best judgment on whether to respond immediately
    • Tool/technical forums are answered immediately (within 24 hours)
    • Domain-related forums are answered within 48 hours
    • The forum moderator is selected based upon expertise and the subject matter in the forum
  • The forum moderator opens a tracking issue
    • If the issue is within the expertise of the moderator, the moderator assigns the issue to himself
    • If the issue is outside the expertise of the moderator, the moderator assigns the issue to the Ops Manager
    • The Ops Manager determines who to assign the issue to within 24 hours
      • If the scope of the post is outside the current KC, then the Ops Manager creates a new Bugzilla issue in that KC, assigns the issue to the Ops Manager of that KC, and closes out the original issue
      • If the scope of the post is outside the expertise of the KC, then the Ops Manager assigns it to the project manager of the appropriate technical team
    • If the post is in the scope of a different forum, the Ops Manager reposts to the correct forum and posts a link in a response to the original post with instructions on how to monitor it
  • The person that is ultimately assigned the issue must response within 24 hours to the posting
  • Once the thread is complete, the assigned person posts a message as such (with the resolution or a link to the resolution, e.g. KB article, bug posting, etc., as well as a link to the evaluation form that has the particular forum thread) and closes out the issue

KB Article Creation

  • Once a thread is completed, the forum moderator should determine whether a KB article should be created
    • KB articles should be generated only for new issues/material
    • The forum moderator should create a new issue for the KB to be created
    • The issue should include a link to the forum thread
    • The issue should be assigned to the technical writer
  • The technical writer should use the template to create a new KB entry
    • If additional information is needed by the technical writer, additional issues should be logged and appropriately assigned
    • The technical writer should be creating KB articles on an ongoing basis
    • The Ops Manager should monitor the progress of KB article authoring

Performance Metrics

Items to Track:

  • Web hits
  • issues solved
  • issues resolved
  • time to resolve issues
  • number of bounces need to resolve issue.

First draft of the review form:

KC Projects