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Semantic MediaWiki

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December 12, 2008. Ontoprise and Semantic MediaWiki’s lead developers boost cooperation on Semantic MediaWiki.

Karlsruhe based Ontoprise GmbH, distributor of commercial applications based on Semantic MediaWiki, and the lead developers of Semantic MediaWiki, Markus Krötzsch and Denny Vrandecic, agree to align their activities to further develop and leverage the use of Semantic MediaWiki in commercial and scientific communities. For further information please go to Aligning SMW Activities.

SMW 1.4.0. was released on November 21, 2008.

For details on the new features, upgrade, and installation please go to SMW 1.4.0. This version fixes a lot of minor problems and long-standing bugs and feature requests.

If you are considering updating a wiki that already runs SMW, you may wish to wait a few days (from 11/21/08) until some further SMW extensions have also provided 1.4.0 compatible releases. Semantic Forms (SVN) is already compatible, Halo is expected to be released soon. Also, the format "timeline" is now part of the add-on extension "Semantic Result Formats" that is currently available in SVN, but which will soon get a file release as well.

Features of Semantic MediaWiki 1.4.0

  • Easier installation, upgrade, repair (SMW Admin now has a control for refreshing the wiki data online)
  • Better Type:Date
  • Much larger range of dates, covering all of human history
  • Internationalisation, support for localised date formats in input
  • Support for single year numbers in dates
  • Incomplete dates handled properly
  • Query for page modification date using Property:Modification_date
  • Full integration of "special properties" such as Property:Has_type
  • Can be queried in #ask, and printed in printouts
  • Usable in all browsing interfaces
  • Display uses of properties on property page
  • Improved parsing process
  • Avoid data loss in unusual circumstances
  • Better compatibility with other parser extensions
  • Shorter and cleaner code
  • Extended translations
  • Many bugfixes

Quick Reference Guide

Semantic MediaWiki Quick Reference Guide

First Meeting of Semantic MediaWiki Users

November 22- November 23, 2008

This first meeting of Semantic MediaWiki users was held on November 22-23, 2008 at the offices of the Monitor Group, at 2 Canal Park in Cambridge, MA. About 30 people gathered. The first day covered many aspects of SMW and its related extensions; including technical, usability, training, "best practices", marketing and business-development issues. The Sunday, "tech day" meeting covered in-depth technical aspects of some proposed additions to the SMW system.

Information (including minutes of each days activities) on the meeting can be found at SMW Nov.2008 Meeting

Presentations given at SMW Users Meeting

LexWiki by Guoqian Jiang, Ph.D

Importing Terminology and LexWiki by Harold Solbrig

caBIG® Overview and How the Vocabulary Knowledge Center works with SMW by Robert Freimuth, Ph.D

Links to established wiki's on Semantic MediaWiki

Semantic MediaWiki wiki

Semantic MediaWiki on Semantic Web wiki

Semantic MediaWiki as an extension of MediaWiki


Semantic MediaWiki 1.4.0

Mailing List

Semantic MediaWiki Users Mailing Lists


Information on Semantic MediaWiki Extensions

Semantic MediaWiki Project Halo Extension

Project Halo wiki page

Demonstration of the Halo Extension

A demo wiki where the Halo extension is installed


Mailing Lists

Semantic Forms Extensions

Semantic Forms wiki

Semantic Forms Download

Mailing List for Semantic Forms

Users Manual

SMW Users Manual

Media Wiki

All Things MediaWiki

Frequently Asked Questions about MediaWiki

Download page

Technical Manual


Mailing Lists