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NCI Protégé

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What is NCI Protégé?

Protégé is an open-source development environment for ontologies and knowledgebased systems. The OWL plug-in extends the environment to support the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

Developed at Stanford Medical Informatics, Protégé and the OWL plug-in support ontology editing in a multi-user, client-server environment. Using these tools, users at geographically dispersed locations can concurrently edit the same ontology data.

NCI Protégé is a collection of Protégé plug-ins developed for the NCI-specific editing environment. NCI Protégé provides a customized OWL editing environment tailored to the needs of NCI terminologies, including additional editing and querying capabilities that are not available in the Protégé OWL plug-in. The NCI-specific plug-ins have been implemented as a tabbed interface.

The current release of NCI Protégé is version 1.2.3. for Protégé 3. Version 1.3 of NCI Protégé will be available by the end of January 2009.

Documents for NCI Protégé Version 1.2.3 (current release)

NCI Protégé 1.2.3 Release Notes

NCI Protégé 1.2 Work Flow Managers Guide

NCI Protégé 1.2 Editors Guide

NCI Protégé distribution package can be found at Protege Public Release Package.

Upcoming Releases

NCI Protégé version 1.3 will be available by January 31, 2009.