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EVS 4.x API to 5.0 API Migration

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Many of you may be aware that the EVS Team is transitioning from the Apelon Terminology Server (DTS) and moving to the open-source LexBIG Terminology Server. This transition will be completed with the release of LexEVS 5.0, where the exposed APIs will be solely based on the LexBIG service and data models. The legacy EVS 4.x API and EVS 4.x Grid Service (based on LexBIG internally) will continue to be available and maintained according to the retirement schedule below. However, our goal is to transition ALL of our users to LexEVS 5.x interfaces as early as possible.

Along with this, the EVS 3.x Grid Services will be retired with the release of LexEVS 5.0 (tentatively scheduled for 2nd Quarter 2009). The DTS Terminology Server and the Metaphrase Server will also be decommissioned as they are being replaced by the LexBIG terminology server. Additionally, the NCI Terminology Browser and NCI Metathesaurus Browser will be decommissioned and replaced with the NCI BioPortal.

Retired Product Retire Date
caCORE 3.1 API

2nd Quarter 2009

caCORE 3.2 API

2nd Quarter 2009

EVS 4.x services


DTS Terminology Server

2nd Quarter 2009

NCI Metathesaurus Browser

2nd Quarter 2009

NCI Terminology Browser

2nd Quarter 2009

This transition will significantly change the way our users have become accustomed to interfacing with EVS and we would like to do all we can to make the transition is as painless as possible. To that end, we are considering how we might best facilitate the education of our user community (developers). The idea of a LexEVS Boot Camp was proposed and we were interested in understanding your level of interest in having developers participate in this type of formalized training.

Please respond at your earliest convenience with opinions/interest on the establishment of a LexEVS 5.0 Boot Camp at the EVS API 4.x to 5.0 Migration forum.

If this is something that you believe would be useful, we would like to begin planning for it as early as possible.