Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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Pharmacogenetics Research Network

Budgetary Advice for Applicants Responding to RFA GM-00-003, Pharmacogenetics Research Network and Knowledge Base

An integrated application should be prepared for either a Research Group or a Knowledge Base Group. Each application should have a consolidated budget with thorough justification.

The budget may be broken down into components for the reviewers' ease in understanding the approach. Each component may have an individual budget and must have a clear explanation for its purpose and key role in the overall program. The timing of sample acquisition or processing activities should be stated and clarifying information regarding any justification may be provided in the component budgets.

Detailed breakdown budgets are only required for the first year at the time of application; however, future year breakdowns will likely be requested if an award is made (see below). For future years, summary budgets may be provided at the time of application with any significant add-ons of equipment or staff in future years clearly noted and justified in the budget narrative.

If an application proposes work to be performed at multiple sites, it is mandatory that each institution prepares a complete budget for personnel, equipment, supplies, etc., at the time of application. Please see the NIH Grants Policy Statement (10/01/98), Section III-64, for materials and statements required from consortium participants.

When an award decision is made, additional information will likely be requested for the applicant and any consortium participants. This information will likely include:

a) Future year breakdowns, by individual applicant organizations, in the same format as that of the initial budget period, i.e., each budget year shown on a PHS 398 application form, page 4. Note--this differs from the instructions found in the PHS 398 application that ask only for itemization of the initial budget period followed by summary figures for the entire proposed project period;

b) Recently dated vendor quotations for any items of equipment with individual unit costs in excess of $25,000;

c) Provision of an expanded individual Checklist Page for the primary applicant and each consortium participant. The expanded Checklist Page should display the indirect cost base and indirect cost calculation for each respective year of the award. Note--this differs from the Checklist Page instructions found in the PHS 398 application that ask only for calculations for the initial budget period followed by a cumulative figure for the entire proposed project period;

d) Current "Other Support" pages for all Key Personnel for each organization showing recent adjustments that incorporate the percentage effort allocation detailed in the specific grant application being awarded; and

e) Copies of human subjects and vertebrate animal assurances for all sites performing either type of research work. Human subject approvals must be dated within 1 year of a project start date and vertebrate animal assurances are valid if dated within 3 years of project start.

It is recommended that the primary applicant organization have the above information current and readily accessible in order to facilitate the award process and avoid unnecessary delays once an award decision has been finalized.

See other specific instructions for Research Group or Knowledge Base Group applications in the "Special Application Requirements" section of the RFA.


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Last reviewed: May 24, 2000

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