Background: top view of DNA double helix, courtesy of UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory
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NIH Grantees Win Benjamin Franklin Medals

NIH Grantees Win Benjamin Franklin Medals

by Jilliene Mitchell
February 27, 2001

NIGMS grantee K. Barry Sharpless, Ph.D., is one of six recipients of the Benjamin Franklin Medal. Sharpless is a professor in the department of chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA. He will receive the award, which is administered through The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, for inventing methods that provide exquisite control of the 3-D shapes of synthesized molecules. Judah Folkman, M.D., a National Cancer Institute grantee, will also receive the medal for his research on arresting tumor growth by preventing the formation of new blood vessels.


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Last reviewed: February 27, 2001

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