STWS Home Module Home  Prostate: Case #4 Print

Physical Exam


54 year old man had trouble urinating for several months. Rectal: Enlarged, hard asymmetrical prostate, with nodule present in right lobe.

X-Rays & Scans


Pelvic CT scan: Negative for mets.

07/06/XX Bone scan: No mets; arthritis only.
Scopes   See surgical findings.


PSA 58.0
Surgical Findings


Cystourethroscopy and TURP: Tumor extended from the anterior lobe of the prostate and extended to the bladder neck and bladder wall; also extended all the way out to the verumontanum. There is concern for capsular involvement. Radical retropubic prostatectomy not advised due to severe respiratory disease.
Pathological Reports


Gross: Biopsies of bladder neck, bladder wall, and prostate. Micro: Extensive poorly diff adenoca, Gleason 4+4 = 8 of the prostate gland; also involves the bladder neck and the bladder wall.

Treatment 06/06/XX
07/20/XX Hormone: Lupron injection
09/01/XX Radiation: Beam radiation to prostate and seminal vesicles 4500 cGy 5 field IMRT 6MV, boost to prostate 3060 cGy 5 field IMRT 6MV

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