STWS Home Module Home  Prostate: Case #2 Print

Physical Exam


70 year old man with history of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and urinary retention, has recent history of soreness in groin, low back pain and weight loss. DRE: Normal rectal tone. Enlarged nodular prostate with minimal induration.

X-Rays & Scans


Bone scan: Generalized whole body skeletal metastases. Hip knee and ankle: Extensive bone mets in entire pelvis, right and left proximal femurs. Chest: Patchy areas of asbestos-like scarring, consistent with prior films.


PSA level 120 (0-4.0 ng/ml)
Scopes 03/10/XX Cystoscopy: Bladder was without masses or stones.
Surgical Findings


TURP: Resection included significant tissue from the anterior lobe of the prostate.
Pathological Reports


TURP: Prostate chips - Adenocarcinoma, prostate. Moderately to poorly differentiated, Gleason’s score 5+5=10. Carcinoma involves every fragment.

05/15/XX Orchiectomy: R and L testis: no tumor identified.
Treatment 03/10/XX Surgery: Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP).
03/25/XX Hormone: Casodex
05/15/XX Hormone: Bilateral simple orchiectomy

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