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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Contact: Press Secretary Michael Green
Phone: 202-225-2571
Date: 12/03/07
Government Overreacted in Prosecution of Border Patrol Agents

Congressman John Culberson released the following statement today after Federal Appeals Judge E. Grady Jolly said the government "overreacted" in the prosecution of imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

“The prosecution of Ramos and Compean is an insult to every American that cares about securing our border and enforcing our immigration laws. These agents should be released from prison immediately for the sake of justice and to restore faith in our government.

“I am very encouraged by the comments of Judge Jolly that correctly point out that the prosecution overreacted in this case. I sincerely hope the 5th Circuit will overturn the conviction of Agents Ramos and Compean and release them from prison.

“In the meantime, President Bush should commute their sentences and allow them to return to their families. It is especially important that this happens as soon as possible, because now we know the drug dealer repeatedly smuggled loads into the U.S. while under the protection of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton.

“The prosecution of these agents has damaged American national security and public safety by weakening Border Patrol morale. This unjustifiable prosecution has created the impression in Mexico and elsewhere that the Justice Department and Homeland Security would rather leave our borders undefended than offend a foreign government.”

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals today heard arguments from Ramos’ and Compean’s attorneys. Judge E. Grady Jolly, one of three judges present at the hearing said, “It does seem to me like the government overreacted here.” He also suggested the prosecution “got out of hand.”

Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were imprisoned this year for wounding a drug dealer caught smuggling nearly 750 pounds of marijuana into the United States.

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