Barrick.ribosomes1994: Quantitative Analysis of Ribosome Binding Sites in E. coli

author = "D. Barrick
 and K. Villanueba
 and J. Childs
 and R. Kalil
 and T. D. Schneider
 and C. E. Lawrence
 and L. Gold
 and G. D. Stormo",
title = "Quantitative Analysis of Ribosome Binding Sites in
{{\em E. coli.}}",
journal = "Nucleic Acids Res.",
volume = "22",
pages = "1287-1295",
comment = "1994 April 11. 22(7)",
year = "1994"}

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Supplementary data

Other pointers:

Tom Schneider

Schneider Lab

origin: 2002 November 13
updated: 2002 November 13